
Growth Agency for Local Businesses

How to Sign-Up Your Local Business with Google, Yahoo, and Bing

Local listings now display in every major search engine. They are usually under the initial Paid/PPC listings, but before organic results. Local listings often include a map next to the results –that’s why you know these listings are local listings instead of the regular organic listings. If ...
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Relevance Rules in PPC

Search works because of relevance. Searchers return to the engines because their questions are answered with the engine's relevant results. If the searcher agrees with the answer, the engine is rewarded by trust and returning visits. If the engine fails to provide relevant results, then searchers ...
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Why Headlines Are Like Bait

As an online copywriter, you are a fisherman - or fisher if that suits you. Your job is to catch as many fish as possible while you're at sea. But you don't want just any fish. You want fish with the best prospects for a good meal. In other words, you want mahi mahi, not minnows. To catch mahi, y...
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