How our team helped a new immigration lawyer in the Houston (Texas) market grow monthly leads from 20 to 116 using Google Ads advertising in only 4 months.

Focus: Lead generation
Services provided: Google Ads management (PPC)
Business type: business-to-consumer (B2C)
Client industry: immigration law

Case Summary: Immigration Lawyer Leads Growth

The Abbasi Immigration Law Firm committed to advertising with traditional PPC ads and saw significant lead growth for the first 4 months. Initial cost per lead started at $79.59 and cost per lead improved to $30.64. Monthly lead flow grew from 20 to 116 in just 4 months – a 480% improvement with just 123% more ad spend budget.

(As of the time of publishing this case study, we’re still partnering with Abbasi Immigration Law.)

The Challenge: New Immigration Law Firm

The Abbasi Immigration Law Firm was a newer law firm looking to consistently improve their lead flow using Google. The challenge for any new business, especially a law firm, is to compete in a crowded market. There are several competitors bidding on similar keywords making it difficult to generate leads at a reasonable cost per lead.

However, the Abbasi team was committed to harvesting leads on Google. Starting with just $1,600/month in ad spend, they grew their PPC budget as the lead channel proved itself. As they answered phone leads in a timely manner during business hours, they booked more clients and increased their ad budget, lead flow, and client list in 3 of the first 4 months.

Results: Immigration Law Leads Improved 480%

In late 2022, we spent $1,592/month and generated 20 leads at a cost of $79.59/lead (a lead is a unique phone call). Four months later, we spent around $3,554 and generated 116 leads at a cost of $30.64. This was our best month so far – and we’re just getting started. Most importantly, firm revenue booked is tracking along with improved lead flow. They are moving into a new office, hiring for the office, and growing revenue thanks to Google Ads and Search Pros.


Cover photo by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash.