Search Pros

Local Growth Agency

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[/fusion_text][fusion_text]“I’ve had great luck with Search Pros. The Norris Group LogoBrandon and team handles both my SEM and SEO efforts. They employ white hat strategies and we’ve been working together a great deal over the past three years to incorporate social media strategies and social search optimization via G+, Youtube, Facebook, etc.

The focus is always on conversions and less about traffic. I’ve cut my SEM in half since they’ve come on board and I’m ranking for incredibly generic terms which are very expensive on the PPC front. I never even thought that was possible.”

Aaron Norris
Marketing Manager
The Norris Group

“Working with Brandon has been great. VIA Studio LogoHe has been responsible for radically improving existing PPC campaigns and for establishing new campaigns for a broad range of clients. Brandon’s attention to detail, response time and ability to provide insight on a wide variety of SEO related subjects has been invaluable to us.

Further, having a resource that listens to our needs and is able to respond with concrete, evidence based results is something that clients appreciate and marketing companies like ours depend on. We consider Brandon and Search Pros to be a valuable part of our SEO team.”

Kimberly Clark
Vice President
VIA Studio


muck-boots-depot-logo“I am new to e-commerce, and only know that I needed a PPC campaign to get customers.  Search Pros has been the best choice I made in setting a path for my site.

Brandon went out of his way to share his ideas for getting visitors, and the plan he and his team devised showed immediate results.  He has been responsive, detailed, and patient as I embark on my learning curve.  The price was reasonable, and the results have exceeded expectation.”

Morgan Hatch
Muck Boots Depot

pct-logo-390“Brandon Clay did SEO and marketing work for our companies twice during a 2 and a 1/2 year period. We found him to be creative, dependable, knowledgeable and honest. Most importantly, he improved our rankings. He was always available when needed, was easy to communication with yet worked independently. I highly recommend Brandon for anyone looking to improve their SEO results.”

Camille Gaines
Chief Marketing Officer
Power Cycle Trading

SEO Fox logo“Brandon Clay was a contractor and my mentee with SEO Fox. He is a systematic and consistent search marketer. For starters, he helped raise the organic rankings for our clients by strategic link building and on-page adjustments -what every SEO should be able to do.

For another project, he uploaded 8000 keywords, built out ad groups, and implemented conversion tracking for a client. He also wrote reports and proposals while providing the big picture to clients and prospects. Whatever the task, Brandon consistently delivered. He was a great help to my organization.”

David Ogletree
Former President

Leverage Marketing Logo“Brandon was a pay per click analyst with Leverage Marketing for almost 18 months. He managed 15-20 PPC accounts at any one time working in Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, and other advertising platforms.

He really understands the ROI-model we focus on at Leverage Marketing. That made Brandon a great asset to our team when explaining our value to clients. Overall, Brandon was an outstanding member of the Leverage Marketing team – he will be missed.”

Barbara Evans
Former Leader of Strategy & Development
Leverage Marketing

Capital Cities Asset Management (CCAM)“We brought Brandon in as a copywriter, marketer, editor, etc..many roles in fact. He also superbly helped build a paid membership website, as well as a wordpress blog that is now rolling down the track and gaining momentum.

All that said, he can swiftly dial up a readable and effective story, post, or other written piece that helps us spread our unique insight and build our brand. Also, he helped us gain traction with Adwords, and a host of other needs that we had.

All told, a solid colleague, but also a good person too. One of the primary reasons he worked well with us is his intergrity, honesty, and inherent ability to write things that are meaningful, factual, personal, and on target, without any conflict of interest. These last points are extremely important, as the business world needs much more accountability and honesty in the workplace!! BC is a guy with talents and in my wheel house anytime.”

John Schloegel, MBA
Former Vice President
Capital Cities Asset Management

Pharmacology Weekly Logo“We hired Brandon Clay as a pre-launch consultant for Pharmacology Weekly – and I’m very happy we did. Not only did Brandon give us a needed marketing perspective for the website, but he also provided definable areas of improvement.

From his ideas on improving the About page to analytics advice – we’ve used several of Brandon’s ideas to make our users’ experience better. Brandon is a top-notch online marketer – and a nice guy to boot.”

Anthony J. Busti, PharmD, BCPS, FNLA, FAHA
President & Editor-in-Chief
Pharmacology Weekly

Rockwell Trading Logo“I’ve worked with many copywriters. There seems to be challenges with each one – some don’t understand the project, others don’t get our business. Worse still, I sometimes go through several iterations before the writers get it right. Not so with Brandon.

He showed a great understanding of the project and our business. He asked some good questions and creatively tackled the project. More than that – he nailed the project on the first draft! Brandon was the right choice for the job. I highly recommend his services to others.”

Markus Heitkoetter, MBA-Equivalent (Germany)
Founder & CEO
Rockwell Trading

Pure and Little Logo“Thank you for setting up and managing my Google PPC account. As a start-up business, you were extremely informative and responsive.”

Kaitlin Spreitzer
Founder & President
Pure And Little

Trading Educators Logo“Brandon Clay has proved himself to be an astute individual. His powers of observation and keen, and the material he wrote while being associated with Trading Educators is still being read, used, and enjoyed by our clients around the world.

His abilities in creative writing are excellent. He proved himself to be a self-starter, able to see a need, research that need, and develop a means to fulfill it. It is with great pleasure that I recommend Brandon and his capabilities.”

Joe Ross
Founder & President
Trading Educators

Xcelience Logo“I want to take a moment out to recognize the good work that Brandon…brought to the (PPC) account. It is rare to find individuals with both technical and client-facing skill sets; they have been a pleasure to work with.”

Kim Black-Washington, MBA
Former Marketing Manager
Xcelience Formulation Development[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]

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