Local SEO Guide for Law Firms

Local SEO Guide for Law Firms

Most businesses, regardless of their industry and the products they sell, rely on an informative, engaging website. A company’s website is crucial, as it can be an effective tool for attracting prospective customers and thus generating revenue. 

Getting people to a website can be a challenge for many companies, and law firms are no exception. There is always a demand for legal services, so standing out above the competition is something firms strive to do. With local SEO, law firms can get a leg up on competitors and be the place where those in need consult for legal needs. 

What Is Local SEO?

SEO training and linking strategy provider Backlinko explains, “Local SEO is the practice of optimizing a website in order to increase traffic, leads, and brand awareness from local search.” 

Local SEO targets potential customers in a particular neighborhood, city, or region. When someone does a local search for legal services, for example, it is local SEO that will help improve your firm’s Google rankings and visibility. When a person looking for an attorney searches online, you want your firm’s name to show up at the top of the Google results. Local SEO is the tool to make this happen. 

How Local SEO Works

While normal SEO uses a Google index to give a person the top results of a question, local SEO has some different factors. It uses elements such as the location the person is searching from, the keyword used in the Google My Business profile, and shares on social media. Google also considers online reviews, location check-ins, Google Maps star ratings, and NAP citations. 

Why Local Searches Are Critical for Your Firm

Search Engine Journal reports that 76% of people who do local searches on their phone will visit that business within the next 24 hours. Also, 61% of consumers do a local search each day. Clearly, people are searching for the types of services your firm provides. Therefore, it’s vital that you understand and use local SEO to your advantage. 

Tips to Improve Your Rankings 

So how can you help to ensure your firm comes out on top when a person does a local search? Some tips and tricks can maximize these chances and boost your rankings. First, embed a Google map in the “About” page on your website. This tells Google where you’re located and that you are indeed local. Plus, this makes it so much easier for potential clients to take the next step after finding out about your firm. 

Next, use a location-focused keyword in your website’s content. Make sure the content is highly visible on your homepage. People searching for legal services want to know that you represent clients in the area where they live and work. Backlinko recommends: “All you need to do is make sure your local-focused keyword shows up at the very top of your page in a headline.

You should also focus on optimizing your firm’s website by adding relevant metadata to its pages. Writing effective meta descriptions can help improve your local SEO efforts. These short descriptions of what your firm offers will appear in Google search results. 

Follow these local SEO guidelines to improve your Google rankings. As a result, you can start to see more interest in your firm and the legal help you provide.