Simple Steps to Optimize Your Facebook Company Page

Next to Google+, Facebook is the social media site that most effects your rankings

This week I met with a great company, Dick Clay – State Farm, to share some of my own tips for Facebook company page optimization.

1) Gaining Fans

This can be a difficult aspect for Facebook company pages but also the most important aspect.  Once you gain 30 likes for your company page, Facebook allows you to see your statistics.  It shows how many users viewed each of your posts.  This is helpful in knowing which of your posts were most popular.

To gain fans for your company page it is best to start out by telling Twitter followers to like the company page.  The next best way to gain Facebook fans is by creating an invite within Facebook.  If it is appropriate, invite friends from your personal Facebook page to like your company page.  Facebook also allows you to invite your e-mail contacts.  With both the e-mail contacts and friends from the personal page, Facebook allows you to pick and choose who to invite from these lists so you don’t have to invite that person you met once at a high school party and feel awkward about it.

2) Staying Active

The more you post, the more chance you have at those posts getting shared and staying on the radar of your fans and followers.  Facebook tailors each persons feed to show the people and companies they are most interested in.  This means a lot of what you post may not end up on your followers’ news feeds.  Because of this, it is best to post at least twice a day to up your chances of showing up in news feed.  My favorite tool to stay active is Buffer.  It allows you to load your Facebook updates for three days and posts the content at the times the most people are on Facebook.

3) Content

Though posting content that your followers will want to share is important, it is also important to keep your content relevant to your company and its location.  Posting interesting events happening around your town is a good way to keep fans interested.  A good example of how to keep a company Facebook page interesting without straying far off topic is what I have done for social media for a car insurance company.  While their main goal is to post articles about insurance, that is not necessarily what will interest someone scrolling through their feed.  Videos and pictures get the most attention on Facebook so I have begun to post photos of funny cars as well as music videos that prominently feature cars.  This drove our reach from an average of 9 per post to 170 when I shared it on my personal page as well.

5) Facebook Ads

If you find your company is struggling to attract fans to the company Facebook page, taking out a Facebook ad is a cost effective way to drive more traffic.  Their ads begin at $2 and drive the people you want to look at your page.  The ads are also simple to set up.

Check out our Facebook page HERE.