Digital Marketing Guide For Lawyers

Digital Marketing Guide For Lawyers

Digital marketing for lawyers is essential to attract new clients and expand your law firm’s business in the 2020’s. 

According to Lawrank, digital marketing for lawyers has all the essential knowledge required to understand the digital opportunities for law firms to interact with potential clients at the perfect time. 

What is Digital Marketing for Lawyers?

Digital marketing refers to several internet marketing techniques to help you build your brand and grow your law firm.

 Although it’s an essential step, optimizing your law firm’s website is only one part of this strategy. It also includes a variety of other actions that help to establish credibility and a positive online reputation.

 Lawyers can use the following digital marketing techniques:  

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Social media marketing (SMM)
  • Email marketing

Ultimately, digital marketing is an additional marketing channel to help your law firm interact with potential clients on a larger scale. The digital channel can be used in conjunction with referrals, word of mouth, billboards, and radio and television advertising. 

Key Digital Marketing Strategies for Lawyers

Adopting digital marketing strategies has become increasingly crucial for businesses across nearly all industries. Adopting these strategies can help lawyers and law firms improve online visibility, engage with their target audience, and grow their client base. Here are some key types of digital marketing strategies for lawyers:

Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

In reference to Neil Patel, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a highly effective type of digital marketing. It helps drive interest in law firms exactly when prospects are ready to hire an attorney. Lawyers place advertisements on search engine results pages (like Google) and other websites and only get charged when a user clicks on their advertisement. The following are some advantages of PPC advertising for attorneys:

  • Instant visibility: PPC advertising gives lawyers immediate visibility in search results, enabling them to connect instantly with their target market.
  • Improved targeting: To ensure their message is seen by the appropriate people at the right time, lawyers can accurately target their ads based on keywords, location, demographics, and even certain devices (ex. smart phones and laptops).
  • PPC advertising is cost-effective since it gives lawyers control over their advertising spend and allows them to establish daily spending caps. Additionally, it gives law firms freedom to modify campaigns in response to return on investment (ROI).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Clio claims that Search engine optimization is optimizing a website to improve its organic visibility in search engine results. SEO is not advertising, but an effort to improve natural traffic from search engines like Google. Here are the benefits of SEO for lawyers:

  • More organic traffic: By putting SEO tactics into practice, lawyers can raise the ranking of their website on search engine results pages, which will increase organic traffic and leads.
  • Credibility and trust: Due to potential client perceptions of top-ranking websites as more credible and reliable, higher search engine ranks improves credibility and trust among prospects.
  • Long-term consequences: Unlike PPC advertising, SEO efforts tend to produce more enduring results. When you stop advertising, traffic also stops. However, lawyers who optimize for organic search can get steady traffic over time even after they stop paying Google for clicks.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media has become a powerful tool for lawyers to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership. Here are the benefits of leveraging social media platforms:

  • Networking and relationship building: Social media platforms (ex. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) allow lawyers to network with fellow professionals, engage with potential clients, and build meaningful relationships within their industry.
  • Content distribution and amplification: Lawyers can share informative content, legal updates, blog posts, and thought leadership pieces on social media platforms, expanding their reach and increasing their firm’s visibility.
  • Targeted advertising: Social media platforms also offer advanced targeting options, allowing lawyers to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring their content reaches the most relevant audience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to be a highly effective strategy for lawyers to communicate with existing and potential clients. Use email marketing to achieve the following goals:

  • Announce events and share relevant legal news.
  • Educate potential clients about your services.
  • Send thank you emails to your regular clients.


At Search Pros, we offer digital marketing services for lawyers and understand the unique challenges within the legal industry. We have 10+ years of local digital growth experience including helping law firms grow immigration cases, DUI/DWI cases, and personal injury cases. 

Contact us to learn more about how to grow your law firm with digital marketing.