Build Local Citations for Law Firms

Law Firm

How to Build Local Citations for Law Firms

Like any business, law firms need new customer (aka clients). This helps ensure growth and profitability. In today’s climate, a visible online presence is vital. Without this, companies—including firms in the legal industry—will find the competition passing them up. As potential clients search the web for legal services, your law firm needs to catch their eye. One way you can do this is by building local citations. If you are unsure how to do this or even what this means, it’s time to learn a few effective tricks to build up your law firm’s online presence and help expand its reach.

What Are Local Citations?

It’s important to list your firm’s name online for people to see. If more people learn additional details about your law firm, that’s even better. That is how local citations work. Whenever there are online instances where your business name,address, and phone number (NAP) are listed, you have a local citation. These could also include mentions of other important information about your firm. People see local citations from multiple platforms, including blogs, news articles, and review sites. Directory listings and social media sites are other examples. When your law firm uses local citations, you can enhance your local SEO efforts.

Why Local Citations Are So Important for Law Firms

Building local citations is not something you want to neglect as you strive to improve SEO and increase online recognition. First, this tactic will help your firm to become more relevant. People interested in using your services will see your firm as more credible and trustworthy. Local citations can set you apart from the competition. It is a method that can put your firm at the top of search results.

In addition, the more accurate local citations your law firm has will improve results for large maps services like Google Maps and Apple Maps. And there’s a lot of new clients looking for legal services on those maps.

Build Local Citations for Lawyers with Data Aggregators

Now it’s time to get to work and let local citations improve your firm’s standing in online searches. One effective way to do this is through data aggregators. Some companies will gather your firm’s information and send them to various sites. You can simply submit your business listing to a data aggregator and watch your local citations grow.

Additionally, you can submit your law firm’s information to important sites such as Facebook, Google Maps, and Apple Maps. Another option is to give your firm’s name, address, and phone number to sites specific to the legal services industry. That way, when future clients visit legal websites, they’re likely to come across your firm.

Double Check Your NAP Information

Your law firm should be consistent about your local citation building. Attorney At Law Magazine advises: “While it is good for a law firm to have more local citations, it is even better to have an accurate and complete citation. For a law firm, the quality of the local citations is always better than the quantity.”

You certainly don’t want Google sending people to the wrong address or providing online searchers with inaccurate information that you provided.

As you seek to improve your SEO, don’t forget to incorporate local citations. Submit correct information to the right channels to gain better Google rankings. As a result, you should see a boost in traffic to your firm’s website.

Contact us to learn more about how to grow your law firm with local citations and digital marketing.