3 SEO Strategies I will Put to the Test This Month

In SEO, it is always important to be shifting our strategies as our industry is constantly changing.

This month I would like to share some of my shifting strategies with you and perhaps I will follow up with a post on how they worked out toward the end of the month!

1)  Finding Content Partners

Link Prospector has always been my go-to for connecting with potential content partners.  While it has been reliable, often I spend my time sifting through sites that don’t necessarily fit my keywords or even accept guest posting.  I do find plenty of quality content partners through Link Prospector as well but weeding through the non-quality sites can often cut significantly in to your time.  When you only have so many hours a month to put toward each client, you want to choose strategies that make the most use of your time while presenting the best results.

A new strategy I will try this month is google searching for specific phrases to find the top blogs for certain subject matters.  For example, if I am looking to find content partnerships for SEO, I would google “Top SEO blogs+Guest Posts.”  I have indeed tried this phrasing, and come up with sites that linked to 50+ SEO blogs that allow guest posting.  Since a human has already weeded through and come up with quality sites, this strategy has been a nice and helpful break from Link Prospector and one I am sure will help me to benefit most from my time spent on certain clients.

2) Communicating Through Social Media

Website owners get hundreds of e-mails from SEO professionals looking to get links.  Unfortunately, if your e-mail is phrased incorrectly in the slightest, your e-mail could be construed as spam.  We always need to be on the lookout of different ways to get links and stand out.  A great option is contacting and connecting with potential partners through social media rather than e-mail.  Chances are, not as many link hopefuls will be looking to get links through social media so the potential partner is more likely to see your request.  There also will be a better chance that they will look at your company’s social media page, be it Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, if you contact to them through social media.  If you send them a link through e-mail, they might not take the time to look at your website.  Beginning communication through social media could also get you mentions through the potential content partner’s social media outlet.

3) Linking to Assets

This month, another key strategy I will try is sharing what I can do for other sites rather than what they can do for me.  In the world of link building, we waste a lot of energy trying to flatter potential partners which is of course, essential.  But rather than letting the potential partner know what is great about their site, try sharing what is great about your client’s site.  This could potentially get you linkable content that they use as a resource for their own future posts.  They will also see the importance of you linking to that client’s content if you should write a guest post for the potential partner.  Focus on what you (or your client) has rather than what they have!

Check back to learn how I put these strategies to the test this month!